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JOL专辑 | Geological Environment in the South China Sea

发布者: 上下五千年 | 发布时间: 2023-6-5 11:10| 查看数: 105| 评论数: 0|帖子模式

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3 j; M! w$ A8 c) o# ZGeological Environment in4 s; _( ~- z, O$ o6 K
the South China Sea2 ?( ], R8 R' X
为了全面展示南海海洋系统的形成历史、范围演变和生态环境的最新研究成果,在海洋治理与发展的基础上构建新的科学框架,Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 2023年第2期出版了“Geological Environment in the South China Sea”专辑。该专辑由南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(广州)的唐丹玲教授担任客座主编,中国科学院南海海洋研究所孙珍教授和杜岩教授、广东外语外贸大学隋广军教授和华东师范大学刘东艳教授共同担任客座编辑。
3 K2 S6 R) d4 n6 H4 P1 w& ?中国南海位于中国南部,面积约350万平方千米,是连接东南亚和太平洋地区的重要海上通道,是世界上最繁忙的航运通道之一。南海拥有丰富的海洋生物资源、石油、天然气、矿产资源及渔业资源;南海是全球气候变化的重要指标之一,研究南海的海洋循环、海洋生态系统、海洋气候,了解南海的生态环境变化和资源分布情况,对沿岸地区的经济发展、安全保障、生态环境保护和全球气候变化研究具有重要意义,同时也有助于更好地保护南海的生态资源、维护国家权益和促进国际合作与交流。
5 m. P, h0 H9 l! p4 Z+ ?6 z2021年3-4月,南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(广州)的广东省创新团队U项目“南海生态环境权益综合研究”组织了“南海生态环境科学考察U1航次”。U1航次为首次前往南海U形海疆线正南区进行立体科考的综合性航次,搭载了多项我国自主研发的海洋仪器,采集了南海地质结构、生态环境、海气相互作用特征等多学科数据。/ [! e8 v+ _  l7 Q
本专辑主要集成了广东省创新团队2021南海U1航次的部分研究结果,包含30篇论文,对南海地质地貌、海洋生态、环境动力学、海洋矿物和生物资源、以及海洋装备进行了系统梳理,从6个方面进行研究探讨与展示:1. 南海生态环境特征与海洋动力响应;2. 多尺度海气相互作用于全球环境变化;3. 地质、地貌与海洋矿产;4. 沉积过程与资源;5. 海洋牧场;6. 海洋科学仪器。这种多学科交叉融合的研究方法,有助于深入认识南海,为建立基于南海海洋治理和发展的新科学框架奠定了重要基础,为南海海域资源和环境的决策和可持续发展管理提供重要参考。6 B1 ], B2 [2 Z3 x  a* V$ ], t
专 辑 文 章/ z( M5 e; ^9 u3 l. a, _
Geological Environment in- Z4 I- t. R; e2 O6 g6 u; _
the South China Sea
2 B" |$ ?( z- b7 \% \Preface: Geological environment in the South China Sea
# s& @6 x+ a* rDanling TANG, Zhen SUN, Guangjun SUI
. _9 i7 b' {+ f* AMarine ecological environment and its response to marine dynamic processes in the South China Sea
9 S! ?. H1 Y1 Z3 d! U0 w. ^SST effect on the pre-monsoon intraseasonal oscillation over the South China Sea based on atmospheric-coupled GCM comparison
# f' @' \9 _8 oYun LIANG, Yan DU, Shang-Ping XIE3 S& D3 e* p' c+ y8 l
Asymmetric chlorophyll responses enhanced by internal waves near the Dongsha Atoll in the South China Sea
" R: ^+ G9 i; [# ^5 r1 D0 P6 b2 Q+ IMeilin WU, Huijie XUE, Fei CHAI" _9 w1 X6 k1 J- b! X5 c% k2 k
Uncertainty analysis for the calculation of marine environmental design parameters in the South China Sea
* G2 u3 s, t6 W2 S; KGuilin LIU, Xinsheng ZHOU, Yi KOU, Fang WU, Daniel ZHAO, Yu XU; @: F2 i( p% B
Impact of seepage flow on sediment resuspension by internal solitary waves: parameterization and mechanism: ?8 Q0 q3 E% C8 h3 M
Zhuangcai TIAN, Chao LIU, Ziyin REN, Xiujun GUO, Mingwei ZHANG, Xiuhai WANG, Lei SONG, Yonggang JIA. Y% F9 @% u4 }( t5 ~. S
Effects of shellfish culture on the community and mortality of zooplankton in a subtropical Bay$ D' {! e9 X  q: Q
Bijian PANG, Hongjun LI, Mingmin LI, Xin LUO, Ying CHEN, Tianshen LI, Wenlu LAN
) l' n/ S$ m* I6 |; MEffects of multiple dynamic processes on chlorophyll variation in the Luzon Strait in summer 2019 based on glider observation4 ^7 d  f, A0 `
Xiangpeng WANG, Yan DU, Yuhong ZHANG, Tianyu WANG
/ `8 c. _/ F3 OSpatiotemporal characteristics of summer hypoxia in Mirs Bay and adjacent coastal waters, South China. X' x  I( g4 E' Z
Lin LUO, Meilin WU, [# @5 x  s! S' m8 P+ s0 M
Multi-scale marine dynamics, sea-air interactions and forecasting technology in the South China Sea. _: {1 q/ e! n. x; `3 R9 S
Applicability evaluation of ERA5 wind and wave reanalysis data in the South China Sea
" H. l; e* m' Z. QRongwei ZHAI, Caijing HUANG, Wei YANG, Ling TANG, Wenjing ZHANG: ^% n/ ]  \# _. J0 G8 N
Assessment of typhoon storm surge disaster scale based on expansion model
/ x; g; y/ R$ a5 e  AGuilin LIU, Xiuxiu NONG, Yi KOU, Fang WU, Daniel ZHAO, Zongbing YU1 ], ?; \( J6 s
Geomorphology and geological structure of South China Sea+ t4 P& w0 l6 R
The sedimentary record of the Sanshui Basin: Implication to the Late Cretaceous tectonic evolution in the northern margin of South China Sea
. h! p# P' j& |: o* [: j4 k. G" `- m
Zhe ZHANG, Nianqiao FANG, Zhen SUN
  N4 _. k8 }) H7 [5 T8 j  }0 o" u5 W# RTectonic boundaries in the South China Sea from aeromagnetic signature
  A, k9 U0 v- F: QYao LUO, Hang YIN, Qiang LIU, Jingmin LI, Shihua LIU, Wei GAO, Rui LI, Yi YANG5 T0 n: q; \( T0 G- S! i3 Z
Mantle sources of Cenozoic volcanoes around the South China Sea revealed by geochemical and isotopic data using the principal component analysis
, J/ G8 a1 B5 o/ g4 ~4 X6 t. ]Shuangshuang CHEN, Zewei WANG, Rui GAO, Yongzhang ZHOU+ n$ {: \) g! q: u
Three-dimensional S-wave velocity structure of the upper crust in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: insights into the basins structure and genesis of hot springs5 i+ A8 M( Z! A' W- m
Yingchen LIU, Shaohong XIA, Changrong ZHANG, Xinyang WANG" N5 a7 R7 V+ h
Formation of the Zengmu and Beikang Basins, and West Baram Line in the southwestern South China Sea margin7 `. {) O$ u+ q# W

4 w( z' A8 w+ D+ x) ~; xBing HAN, Zhongxian ZHAO, Xiaofang WANG, Zhen SUN, Fucheng LI, Benduo ZHU, Yongjian YAO, Liqiang LIU, Tianyue PENG, Genyuan LONG9 E$ R: r7 r9 Y- }
Submarine volcanism in the southern margin of the South China Sea+ {; ~5 N' T1 C  O! [- h0 w0 P* v
Chenglong ZHANG, Shaohong XIA, Chaoyan FAN, Jinghe CAO) a* \  W) K, h" J# X& N
Gravity modelling of crustal architecture and heterogeneity in the Nansha Block, South China Sea
  h/ c8 f: T" [Jialing ZHANG, Zhaocai WU, Chun-Feng LI, Hailong LI
* \2 l7 |, P  ?3 s% FData processing of the Kuiyang-ST2000 deep-towed highresolution multichannel seismic system and application to South China Sea data( n3 Y8 W" }5 b( s
Yanliang PEI, Mingming WEN, Zhengrong WEI, Baohua LIU, Kai LIU, Guangming KAN0 n0 p! ]7 K' `
Mg/Ca, Ba/Ca, and S/Ca ratios as environmental and growth proxies for bivalve shells from the Haima cold seep, South China Sea
; v, \+ k4 Y$ a: VJingya CAO, Shengxiong YANG, Danling TANG, Junxi FENG, Jinqiang LIANG
1 j2 ~. X+ R# A; U# a: jQuantitative estimation of bubble volume fraction of submarine seep plumes by modeling seismic oceanography data* ^7 O' L. Z" H. W" y
Tonggang HAN, Jiangxin CHEN, Leonardo AZEVEDO, Bingshou HE, Huaning XU, Rui YANG
4 D* W" M  K! @3 u1 ~# K0 JSedimentary processes and resource potential in the South China Sea2 l: L2 ?% `2 X$ ~$ T! X* X+ G: t% d* m
A preliminary study on the acoustic properties of seafloor sediment in the southern U-boundary of the South China Sea
! R5 O! ?9 L. s/ C2 Z
! b7 `9 Y+ f" e, s1 [Zhengyu HOU, Danling TANG, Yao XIAO, Jingqiang WANG, Bo ZHANG, Xiaoming CUI, Peng HAO% t" U3 c0 z3 u8 j" i- I* b9 {* w
Physical characteristics of high concentrated gas hydrate reservoir in the Shenhu production test area, South China Sea/ H8 H& T' T" _0 k
Jiapeng JIN, Xiujuan WANG, Zhenyu ZHU, Pibo SU, Lixia LI, Qingping LI, Yiqun GUO, Jin QIAN, Zhendong LUAN, Jilin ZHOU: b* i+ {4 c) r" _) F' }
Origin of a giant fuzzy reflection zone and its implication for natural gas exploration in the southwestern Qiongdongnan Basin of the South China Sea6 J$ i9 B4 q/ X9 L
Junhui YU, Pin YAN, Yanlin WANG, Yan QIU, Guanghong TU, Changliang CHEN
# k: ]- Q$ P; B& _0 cSpatial distribution and inventory of natural gas hydrate in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea
  S. U5 ]  w& Z6 r5 DZhongxian ZHAO, Ning QIU, Zhen SUN, Wen YAN, Genyuan LONG, Pengchun LI, Haiteng ZHUO
2 o8 S- ?( K2 R4 S& z- }- e1 ADeposition processes of gas hydrate-bearing sediments in the inter-canyon area of Shenhu Area in the northern South China Sea
$ F8 f5 g6 u# V8 ~Zhixuan LIN, Ming SU, Haiteng ZHUO, Pibo SU, Jinqiang LIANG, Feifei WANG, Chengzhi YANG, Kunwen LUO$ z& h2 v% J1 R) k/ [
Discovery of pockmarks in the Zengmu Basin, southern South China Sea and the implication
7 W3 }1 d" X8 Q+ QYanlin WANG, Guanghong TU, Junhui YU, Pin YAN, Yongbin JIN, Changliang CHEN, Jie LIU( d! R  b1 }, Q0 S
Nepheloid layer generation by gas eruption: unexpected experimental results
7 I+ Y; a, l: |0 V0 z. K, CChaoqi ZHU, Sanzhong LI, Jiangxin CHEN, Dawei WANG, Xiaoshuai SONG, Zhenghui LI, Bo CHEN, Hongxian SHAN, Yonggang JIA
" b: I7 O0 l, Q* n6 X  i2 a& g7 IGeostrategy, rights and interests maintenance, and strategic countermeasures for the South China Sea
1 I! n2 M+ P* zSuitability evaluation on marine ranching in Guangdong, South China
2 q  V! @9 q: b( M9 j; @
- k+ {6 f4 R. j" n$ }  g/ PAnning SUO, Weiguo ZHOU, Dewen DING1 s* U3 r, h* A/ H- ]1 @: a
Marine scientific instruments
9 @" R$ b7 S2 R- aA marine gravimeter based on electromagnetic damping and its tests in the South China Sea
$ k, @1 B7 S1 f" {/ R0 C2 q7 m% |6 L; }3 W( }3 G
Pengfei WU, Lin WU, Lifeng BAO, Long WANG, Bo WANG, Danling TANG
0 L' N7 G5 @, D2 HLow-noise, low-power-consumption seafloor vector magnetometer9 |* X# Z) Z0 ?1 ^5 @
Xiaochen LI, Xianhu LUO, Ming DENG, Ning QIU, Zhen SUN, Kai CHEN. j  q% k* A4 d2 P8 b- a8 n" _
An internally damped inertial platform for marine gravimetry and a test case in the South China Sea, X) y4 \4 ]# Y$ f4 B. f# L0 |
Pengfei WU, Lin WU, Lifeng BAO, Long WANG, Bo WANG, Danling TANG
! i  j. N- Q: w  V4 t% d期刊主页:https://link.springer.com/journal/343  C) _  ]# X/ V2 D8 B- U
/ q3 A* p- g' Z' Z) l1 d: i) W
+ I  V; o# N2 j* V" F5 q
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& g2 ~2 q1 b, Q9 G

. {  X! X) U9 m! y- T8 o8 h2 N, t: K  |% a5 W, O
信息来源:JOL海洋湖沼学报。1 W7 Z- y9 Q0 b. o5 T/ I/ R* ~


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