海洋科普 | 海洋药物

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Marine biologists have investigated and evaluated the status of marine drug resources in China. The results show that after more than 3,600 years, China has accumulated experience in the application of marine drugs, especially the modern marine drugs. As of 2008, the number of recorded marine drugs and potential drug resources that have undergone modern pharmacological and chemical research in China’s offshore has reached 684, including 205 plant drugs, 468 animal drugs and 11 mineral drugs after studying 1,667 species of marine medicinal plants and animals (272 plant species and 1,395 animal species) and 18 kinds of minerals. Strengthening modern pharmacological research, protecting existing medicinal biological resources and exploring new resource are the guarantee for the sustainable development of marine drugs in the future.2 _: X& A( k( A; d4 E$ r$ h
鲍可平血压,治头晕目花症;海蜇可治妇人劳损、积血带下、小儿风疾丹毒;海马和海龙补肾壮阳、镇静安神、止咳平喘;用龟血和龟油治哮喘、气管炎;用海藻治疗喉咙疼痛等;海螵蛸是乌贼的内壳,可治疗胃病、消化不良、面部神经疼痛等症;珍珠粉可止血、消炎、解毒、生肌等,人们常用它滋阴养颜;用鳕鱼肝制成的鱼肝油,可治疗维生素AD缺乏症;海蛇毒汁可治疗半身不遂及坐骨神经痛等。另外人们还从海洋生物中提取出了一些治疗白血病、高血压、迅速愈合骨折、天花、肠道溃疡和某些癌症的有效药物。6 V9 ], m7 i# ]! v
Abalone can lower blood pressure and treat dizziness; jellyfish can treat women’s strain and abnormal leukorrhea as well as children’s erysipelas; sea horse and sea otter can invigorate the kidney, strengthen Yang, calm the mind, and stop coughing and asthma; turtle blood and turtle oil can treat asthma and bronchitis; seaweed can treat sore throat; cuttlebone, the inner shell of squid, can treat stomach disease, indigestion, and trigeminal neuralgia; pearl powder can stanch, diminish inflammation, detoxicate, promote tissue regeneration and nourish Yin; cod liver oil made from cod liver can treat vitamin A and D deficiency; sea snake venom can treat hemiplegia and sciatica. In addition, people have extracted some effective drugs from marine organisms for the treatment of leukemia, hypertension, fracture, smallpox, intestinal ulcers and certain cancers.

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